Real Estate needs: Moving on up!
While sometimes it is not required to get a survey done for a real estate transaction, both our company and many lawyers recommend it. It's not a matter of trying to add another bill on to that HUD explaining where all your money went...but a matter of making sure you are properly informed of what you are buying and to make it easier for future work that may be done on the property. We have had numerous clients comment on how having the survey explained a lot of questionable areas on the lot, rectify neighbor issues, and help them retain permits shortly after closing for problems they did not know would arise.
When you do get ready to purchase a house just know that you have many options when it comes to which lawyer to use, which mortgage company to use...but also which land surveyor to use. We would love to work with you and make the process go a bit smoother.
Topographical Surveys: Ups and downs.
Occasionally you may run into the need to have spot elevations or topographic survey done on your property. The more common reasons being for drainage calculations, reconfiguring your grading, to add to an existing survey for an architect to do further work, swimming pool installations, landscape design. In any case we are more than happy to work with you, your architect, pool company and/or landscape designer to get the information necessary to move forward with your project.
Elevation certificates and eLOMAs:
Since Hurricane Katrina we have seen a significant increase in the number of properties needing flood insurance. If you have been notified by FEMA, your insurance company or mortgage company that you need flood insurance you may want to look into the chances of having the premium reduced using a Elevation Certificate or having your property completely removed from the flood map with a Letter of Map Amendment (not applicable to all properties). If you want to find out more about this please call our office!
Global Positioning System: Not your average navigation system!
This service is usually one that other surveying companies or engineering companies subcontract out to us. Using a GPS during numerous phases or types of projects help eliminate traversing from a benchmark several blocks (or miles) away which can lead to some human error with measurements; setting control for other companies to do elevation certificates; setting a benchmark for projects on properties, and a multitude of other uses.
Major/Minor Subdivisions: Making a major headache a minor one.
We can create a new property line or a new community, minor or major we can help you get through the process.
Site Plans: Information overload!
Site plans are needed for many reasons from home additions to many types of property improvement projects you may encounter.
Neighbor disputes: Questionable location.
We are finding that more and more people are starting to question just where their property lines are. Whether it be due to a verbal disagreement which you would like settled, a survey showing that the brand new wall your neighbor built is actually on your property, or even to try to avoid a dispute by marking the property corners prior to doing work, we can help you out.
Monitoring Well Locations:
Whenever you need a 'Monitoring Well' certification for the NJDEP, we can make it happen from location to forms to file.
ALTA Surveys: Details, details, details...
We primarily do work in the following counties: Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Somerset,Sussex, Union, and Warren County.
If you have a job or question about a property in a county that is not listed, please call or email us! Contact us today - our staff is looking forward to assisting you further!